Saturday, April 30, 2016

Road Trip

The Auntie and I went on a road trip adventure today and had so much fun.  We stopped at a town she'd never been to and I hadn't been to since high school, went on a nature walk through some cedars, walked across a swinging bridge (which if you know my fear of heights you will know was a MAJOR feat for me), visited her parents'/my grandparents' graves, and came home on a road neither of us had ever been on before.  We saw a bald eagle, a million trillion deer, 2 turkeys, geese (and 7 baby geese) a bunny, 2 sand hill cranes, and one friend and her twin boys from my hometown who were coincidentally in that same town we stopped in.  The animals were awesome, and the unexpected friend sighting was also awesome, even if I did had to go to a different town to see them! 

So tonight I went looking for road trip shoes and mostly came up with VW shoes, which I am totally OK with:

Aren't they so very cute?  I love them all!  Tonight after we got home I worked at the theater since Double A is spending the weekend with her mom (I did popcorn, which is what she normally does).  Then I stayed for the movie, which was OK.  I read the books, but either the movie was completely different, or I have no memory of most of that book.  And now off to bed!

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015.


  1. What - no Jeep shoes? Not sure the VW's would have made the mystery road. KMc

    1. You make an excellent point! I'll have to look for some Jeep shoes. I just got sucked in by the VWs!
