Friday, April 1, 2016

Happy Birthday, Brother

Yes, today is April Fool's Day, but it's also my big brother's birthday. There are jokes to be made about him being the biggest fool of them all, but I'll just leave that alone.  My birthday present to him.  I looked to see if there were any shoes with his name (actually his middle name as that's what he goes by) and it turns out he has a line of sandals.  Let's look:

And they're rather cute sandals, too.

Apparently they're quite comfortable as well.  I don't like these quite as much as that first pair, but they're still cute, and comfy heels are always a nice thing.

The color is good, but these are my lease favorite so far.

I couldn't help it.  They're so cute I just had to give you more colors.

And then there are these.  Still this same line, same creator, and really really ugly.  I'm sure they have great arch support and are probably very comfortable.  But they are not cute at all.

So the brother is another family member who has shoes named after him.  Some of them are even quite cute.  Not that they're men's shoes, but it's my blog so he can just deal, even on his birthday.  I'm also the little sister, so it's my job to be as bratty as possible to my big brother.  It's my birthday gift to him.

Memory Lane:  2013 (I was in Montana.  Jealous of my past self). 2014. 2015.

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