Saturday, April 16, 2016

I Heart Librarians

Today is National Librarian Day, and my daddy is a (retired) librarian!  To celebrate the day, and the love of reading instilled in me by both of my parents, here are a few book-inspired shoes:

Ohmygoodness I love these.  And I want to read them.

Love me some Harry Potter.  These shoes had better be made out of photo copies, though, and not actual book pages, or I'm going to be super grumpy.

Same here.  I also love Jane Eyre.  It's my favorite from the Bronte sisters.  I pretty much loathed Wuthering Heights and wanted to smack everyone.

Lord of the Ring shoes.  These are awesome.  I can't read Elvish, though, so hopefully there's nothing inappropriate written on these... Babar shoes!

The day is almost over here, and already over for most of you, but you should definitely thank a librarian one of these days.  I would say hug one, but that might get awkward, unless said library is your father.  Love you, Mr. Daddy, you're my favorite librarian on the planet!

Memory Lane: 2013. 2015.

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