Friday, April 15, 2016

Thanks, BFF!

I got a delightful box in the mail today at the office:

It's a Beatles Birthday Bonanza from the BFF!  I love the mug, but I love love love the stripey socks!

The hubby thought the boys needed to be back in the studio, so I found my gifts like this when I went looking for him in our new podcast studio.  He's a dork.  But a cute dork.

And now you must suffer through yet another Beatles post.  Or, you know, stop reading.  You have free will. I'm actually quite impressed that I keep finding new (to me) shoes to share.

Wow, those are bright.

And these are not so much.  I still like them, they're just a lot more subdued than that first picture.

Again, I say...someone who can paint needs to make me some Beatles shoes!

I really like these.  I love that it's Yellow Submarine, but in black and white, which is the complete opposite of Yellow Submarine's craziness.

I want to like these, but their faces creep me out a little bit.

Sigh.  The PB needs these.  I even know where to find that fabric, as I made the Nephew a blanket when he was a baby!

See how well a boy can sleep on a Beatles blankie?

Ahhh...I love my BFF.  She is the bestest best friend ever.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2015 (you'll notice a theme).

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