Monday, April 11, 2016


Today's post is highly inaccurate.  First of all, for some reason today it popped into my head that today is the penultimate day of my being 40.  It's not, because penultimate means second to last, so it was actually yesterday, with today being the last.  Second, I typed in "penultimate shoes" and chose a bunch I liked, but have no idea why they were labeled that way or what in the heck they have to do with being penultimate. 

I love this.  It must be something about the color combination and detail.

Shoe art!  And cool, shiny, red Mary Janes.  Always good.

I like these in a weird way.  Love the colors.  Think they're all really odd.  Somehow those two things combined to have me liking them (although less so the middle pair).

Oh my gosh these are hilarious.  I think they color and shape are great, but the added cat faces make them quirky and awesome and hilarious.

I assume this is a wedding shoe.  I think I'd like it better if it were a color so the detailing would pop, but even white they are pretty fun.

I'm sure today is the penultimate something.  Let me know if you know of something.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2015.

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