Sunday, April 10, 2016


Happy National Siblings Day!  I am fortunate enough to be the youngest of three children, and have both an older brother and an older sister.  The brother is 4 years and 11 days older (yes those 11 days are important because he is currently 45 and I am still only 40 which means for 11 days he's 5 years older than me instead of 4!) and the sister is 6 1/2 years older.  I am the baby and was something of a surprise.  In honor of the day I typed in "siblings shoes" and will now share some of the results.  Full disclosure, though:  I have NO idea what any of these shoes have to do with siblings.  You'll just have to draw your own conclusions.

I posted these last year in yellow.  There are a bunch of different colors.  Maybe so if you have a bunch of sisters you can all wear a different color? 

Bright and fun and happy!  Which would generally describe the seester, but not so much the brother.  I'm afraid to go looking for sarcastic and caffeinated and grumpy shoes. (HA!)

Classic and elegant.  But they don't look like they fit terribly well.

In this case I would go for the black one and the seester could have the pink.

These shoes are weird and interesting, but I'm almost more interested to know what is going on with that skirt?  Robe?  Coat?  Curtain?

I think these are probably really cute from the side, but less so from the front.  Which is sad and strange.

These are strange and hilarious, and probably look the most like my siblings and I collectively as we're all a little strange and hilarious in our own right.  Those little one eyed monsters deserve better than this weird shoe, though.

Happy Siblings Day!  I will wish this to my biological siblings, my seester-in-law, and the BFF and other friends who are like siblings.  In fact, if you are an only child and want to adopt a sister, I'm more than happy to have a million siblings.  We can post pictures next year and totally confuse your friends and family!

Memory Lane: 2013. 2015.

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