Thursday, April 21, 2016

Vacation Day 1 I've missed you.  Today was a fairly perfect day.  It started a little after midnight when my plane landed in Missoula and the Auntie picked me up at the airport.  I then got to see her new house and we chatted way too long and didn't get to bed until after 2:00.  One downside to the day was waking up at 7:30 because I had to go to the bathroom and then not being able to fall back asleep.  Oh well.  The Auntie and I then spent the (unseasonably warm) day playing.  We went to the University of Montana (my alma mater) bookstore and wandered around campus for awhile.  We had lunch at a new-to-both-of-us place downtown that was super yummy and then did lots of walking and window shopping.  We went to Rockin' Rudy's, which is one of my favorite places ever.  Then we me the seester at the girls' school and watched Flower and Laughter during their soccer practice, after which I spent the rest of the evening at the seester's, which is where I'm staying tonight.  Holy buckets, Flower and Laughter have both gotten so tall!  And they were cracking me up tonight with all of their stories and antics.  Here are some shoes from the day:

This selection of adorable baby shoes was in one of the stores the Auntie and I wandered through.

Flower's sparkly, strappy wedges.

Laughter's fun, polka dot fleep flops.

The Auntie's awesome Keenes.

The Seester's awesome Tevas.

My new shoes!  First pair I've bought in maybe a year?  I needed some black flats for this trip and for work, and really liked these.  It was incredibly stupid of me to walk around all day in shoes I hadn't broken in, though, and I now have the blisters to prove it.  But, I think JG will be so proud of my black shoes!

Laughter's feet selfie.

Laughter's and my feet, one each in a pair of the Seester's adorable purple shoes.  Picture taken by Flower.  You can also see the back of one of my new shoes, so you get a better understanding of the whole.

I really could not have asked for a better day.  I love my family.

Memory Lane: 2013 (funny, as my battery is about to die again tonight). 2015.

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