Wednesday, April 20, 2016


I'm currently sitting in the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport waiting for my flight to Montana. Montana!!!!! I haven't been home in over a year, and I'm sooooo excited. I'm also rolling my eyes that I had to fly to Minnesota so I can now backtrack to Montana, but the ticket was a really good price, so I'm not going to complain too much. My layover is about 3 hours, so I'm charging my phone, writing a quick post (on my phone, which is always kind of annoying), and people watching. The most adorable, shiny, gray boots just walked by. It's still a mystery why women run through airports in heels, but oh well. In honor of my current location I thought I'd so some more airplane shoes:

I did these last time too, but plane slippers are to cute not to share again.

Is gloomy and raining here, so these are totally appropriate.


Blue! Whimsical! I kind of want a pair to wear when I fly. 

I'm off to wander while I wait. 
Memory Lane: 2013. 2015.

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