Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Cute Auntie Shoes Day 3

Last day of new (to me) shoes from the Auntie!  How adorable are these?

They're a fun, sea-greeny color.  Sadly they started to rub my toes on both feet, but that's OK...

...because I have Jane Austen bandaids!  You can't really tell from the picture, but the flowers are the same color as the shoes.  Yep.  I'm just that cool.  Let's take a gander at some more sea-greeny shoes with flowers, shall we?

This is really pretty despite the fact that it's a slingback and has that thing between the toes.

I think I'd prefer if the flower was a little less floofy, but otherwise I'm on board.

I think I've posted these before with multi colored flowers? Who can remember any more?

Yes please.  I'll take a pair in each color, thank you.

OK, so these are a little bit off-theme, but there ARE flowers and sea green, so I'm including them because I think they're fun.  And because it's my blog.

Oh man, I definitely could not get my poop in a group this morning.  I woke up late, which threw everything off, but then I was just scattered.  I went to get the dragons out of the tub and realized I hadn't fed the dogs yet, so I detoured to do that.  When I got to the cupboard with their food I realized I hadn't finished cleaning up from making juice, so I detoured again.  I did manage to get everything done eventually, but I was definitely out of my usual rhythm and I almost forgot the poor dragons in the mix.  The day got better after that, but man my brain is full.  My hat is off to you who have children thrown into that morning mix.  All I have are dogs, dragons, and a husband and I'm a mess.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014.

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