Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Cute Auntie Shoes Day 2

I finally unpacked my suitcase on Sunday, which is the reason I'm finally wearing the shoes that the auntie gave me while I was in Montana.  Here is today's selection:

They're Keens, which I love.  They're Mary Janes, which I also love.  And they're brown, which is good because I need cute brown work shoes for summer.  So yay!  Then I went looking for more Keen Mary Janes, and holy shoegasm, Batman!  I give them without comment since mine would all involve exclamation points and variations on the squeee! sound.

Maybe I will only wear Mary Janes from Keens from here on out.  There were so many more that I had to stop myself from inundating you with every darn picture on the internet.  Squee indeed.

In other news today is the 8th anniversary of my ordination, which is really weird because I'm no longer ordained.  Last year on May 17th I was, and this year I'm not.  And I'm not sure if I will be again?  But it still happened, so I can still celebrate the occasion, right?  It's so confusing, and I'm trying not to let the weirdness infuse my whole day.  Thankfully I have plenty to be getting on with at work these days, so it helped to take my mind off of the weirdness for at least part of the day.  I still want to stuff my face with chocolate, though.  Sigh.

Moving on.

Memory Lane: 2013 (celebrating!). 2014 (Oh look, more weirdness about the day). 2015 (never mind, I didn't even post, so we can skip last year's angst).

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