Saturday, May 14, 2016


I took these pictures the last day I was in Montana:

That's my parents' carport, surrounded by 2 beautiful lilac bushes.  The lilacs bloomed early this year, which was luck for me because it meant I got to see them.  Lilacs are one of my favorite flowers, and I love how they smell.  Not sure how these shoes smell, but they're certainly interesting:

Cute!  Stupid thing between the toes.

I want to see this ballet, whatever it is.

This isn't my favorite.  The flowers look crushed.  I guess that's because it's crushed velvet?  Yes, that was a horrible, mostly unintentional joke.

These are so sweet.  Not sure the flowers are lilacs, but the color is, and they're cute regardless.

I want to like these, and I kind of do.  Maybe they're better in person.

Whoa.  I hope this is art and not an actual shoe.

I hope your day was as lovely as lilacs.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014.


  1. Sadly the lilacs and most of the rest of the flowers are done. ME
