Monday, May 16, 2016

Cute Auntie Shoes

While I was in Montana the Auntie gave me some shoes.  Isn't she just the coolest?  Her feet have recently changed size so she had a bunch she can't wear anymore.  Sadly they're all a size bigger than I wear, but I found a few that fit OK.  Here is the pair I wore today:

Cute, black loafers!  I feel so grown up and professional in my loafers and pin-striped dress pants.  Obviously I needed to go look at more loafers.

I guess I could be lazy and just let one picture do all of the work.  I like all of the different colors.  And the shiny.

You (and my you I mean I) can never have too many pairs of red shoes.

A little more casual, but I like the purple.  Do I need purple loafers?  I might.

These are shiny and blue and yet not my favorite.  Weird.

I don't think I have anything to wear green loafers with, but I like them.

Dang I'm tired.  We are developing a national podcast network at the office and I have spent around 8-12 hours a day since Saturday working on directory listings and social media posts for a mere 2 of our new shoes.  I'm learning about new social media sites that I've never used and I waver between thinking it's cool to be learning new things and thinking I'm too darn old for all of these new-fangled apps.  Also, you kids get off my lawn!

Memory Lane: 2013 (I remembered:  Brown sandals.  Still don't know if I have a picture, though). 2014. 2015.

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