Sunday, May 22, 2016

May 21

This is the post that I meant to do yesterday but the stupid headache wouldn't let me.  The headache is still lingering today, but it's not as bad thank goodness.  So yesterday was a good day although a bit emotional.  First, it was Pippi's 9th birthday!  She is sweet and smart and sassy and has always had the ability to crack me up.  Even as a baby her personality was awesome.  Here are some shoes named after her:

I'd say this was sweet and sassy.

I'd like to see this in a color but couldn't find it.  I like the detailing on the heel, it reminds me of fairies somehow.

Yesterday was also emotional as I went to a memorial service to say good-bye to a beautiful woman from St. Someone's.  She was a bright light during my time there and always made me feel loved, supported and appreciated.  It was clear from the remembrances and people's conversations that she made everyone she met feel that same way.   I  love this picture the family had displayed in the sanctuary:

Wasn't she beautiful?  She had the same first name as my mama, just spelled differently.  Here are shoes named after her (with that spelling):

She was always well-dressed and had great accessories.  I'm not sure if these orange ones would have been to her taste, but I'm sure she would have figured out the right outfit to pull them off with.

After the service I met SKD and took her for a 1 day less than a month late birthday pedicure.  She gave me a belated birthday present, too, and hers was awesome:

She MADE me Beatles cups!  Isn't she just the coolest?

Her cup is way better than these shoes, that's for sure.  I hope she likes her cute orange toenails as much as I like my new Beatles cups.

This post is still not what it was in my head, but at least it's out.  Stupid lingering headache.  I'm not even going to tell you how much caffeine and meds I ingested yesterday just to get the dumb thing down to a dull roar.  It's still making my brain mushy, but then everything seems to be doing that these days.  Poor mushy

Memory Lane: 2013.

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