Monday, May 23, 2016


According to a friend's post on Facebook today we graduated from seminary 9 years ago.  Like my auntie said, it doesn't seem like 9 years until I see how how little Double A was in the pictures. She was 7 in 2007 and her birthday present was to get to go to graduation with Mom and Dad.  Actually, she couldn't have cared less about graduation. The real birthday present was that graduation was in the Bay Area which meant she got to see the Golden Gate Bridge.  She was obsessed with the Golden Gate Bridge and you should have seen how excited she was to visit it, walk on it, drive across it, etc.  It was adorable.  Anyway, 9 years.  Time flies.  I'm going with an anagram post tonight because it's time for bed and I didn't want to do anything too elaborate (and I still have to run the dishwasher and upload another podcast, blah).  I graduated from Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary:

P is for Pacific and purple.

L is for Lutheran and lime green.

T is for Theological and teal.

S is for Seminary and silver.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015.

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