Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day

I'm never sure if the appropriate greeting is "Happy Memorial Day."  It is, after all, a day when we remember those who have died in service of their country.  I guess "Contemplative Memorial Day!" or "Remember Memorial Day!" would sound even weirder.  At any rate, I am grateful that my dad, uncle, and grandfather all came back from their time in the Navy, and I pray that DJ will do the same with her time in the Navy.  Today my thoughts are with all of those families who have lost loved ones, and my prayer is also that some day there will be no need to remember the fallen because peace will reign and war will end.

On a lighter note, there's shoes.

Obviously Memorial Day shoes are going to be very similar to 4th of July shoes, so I only chose a few pictures for today.  The top pair is vintage, from the 50s, and I think they're really cool.  And everyone needs a pair of patriotic shoes that light up!

Today is also (again, I have no idea who comes up with this stuff) My Bucket's Got a Hole In It Day.  Which is weird, and which means I have been singing this all day:

The video is a little creepy, but the song reminds me of when I was in elementary school and my daddy was my music teacher and we would sing this song.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2015.

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