Saturday, June 4, 2016


I really shouldn't post when I'm tired, so now I will apologize to you for last night's truly horrible Haiku.  It made more sense in my exhausted brain.  We finally got home last night at 10:30 and I crashed.  But at least I got to sleep in (sort of...first I woke up at 6:20 and was awake almost an hour, but then I went back to sleep for a couple of hours), and we were only at the office for 5 hours today - we're already home!  SKD told me my idea of a day off is not the rest of the world's idea...

Anyhoo, here is what came up when I typed in "apology shoes:"

I don't like the heels, but I love the t-straps, and the colors are fun!  These are called "Apology Accepted" shoes, and hopefully you will now accept my apology for subjecting you to bad haiku.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015.

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