Sunday, June 5, 2016


I actually got a day off today! (OK, full disclosure: I did work from home for a couple of hours, but I got to sleep until 8:30 and we didn't go into the office!).  AAAAAAND even better, I got to have coffee with the PF!  Sadly she and her family are in town because her mother-in-law is having health issues, so prayers would be appreciated for the MIL and the whole family.  But it was so nice to see her and spend a couple of hours catching up.  Facebook chat just isn't the same.  Tonight's shoes are her honor, of course.

Owls!  I think I've posted 2 of these before, but they're just so cute I couldn't resist.  I knew the PF loved owls, but I learned today that she also likes foxes.  At least I assume so since she wants a fox tattoo.  Stands to reason at any rate.  So, fox shoes.

I think these are adorable.  I'd wear them if they were in adult sizes.

I'm unclear why the foxes are yellow and lavender here, but they're smooching!  Smooching fox shoes!

You know I love these because I'm blue.

I think I'm a fan of fox shoes!

Aaaah.  Good day.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015.

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