Wednesday, June 8, 2016


So, we actually left the office early last night!  I think we left around 6:30, which is awesome.  I didn't have to try and sneak  in a nap!  Sadly I woke up this morning feeling worse than ever, so after a rather miserable day of hacking and blowing my nose and generally being gross the hubby took pity on me and we left at 4:00.  Can you even imagine?  I hope the office didn't fall down in our absence.  We came home and I took a lovely nap and read some.  I woke up awhile ago, caught up on a few things I should have finished at the office, and now I'm going to write a quick post and go back to sleep.  Hopefully I'm feeling better by tomorrow.

Today is Best Friends Day!  I have the BEST best friend.  She is awesome.  If I weren't so tired I could go on and on as to why she is the bestest, but I will have to save that for another post.  In the meantime here are 2 pictures in honor of her:

Purple Keens Mary Janes.  Purple is her favorite color and I already know she has Keens Mary Janes, so these are perfect.

And The Beatles, of course.  I love this shoe, and think we both need a pair.

I hope you have a bestest best friend who is as awesome as mine is!

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015.

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