Tuesday, June 7, 2016

June Bug

Today is June Bug Day, which isn't terribly exciting for the bugs themselves as June Bugs aren't exactly cute.  It's actually fun for me because of the hubby.  He is a Junior, so sometimes his parents call him June Bug, which I think is adorable.  He probably hates that I just shared that, but come, how cute is that nickname?  So in honor of my little June Bug's day, here are some June Bug shoes:

The pattern here is supposed to look like abstract June Bugs.  I think.  I like the colors.

These make no sense until

you see the backs! Then someone designed and made them for their own little June Bug, which is sweet.

I think these are from a wedding website with June Bug in the title?  I could be remembering that incorrectly.  I'd like them better if they were blue.  Duh.

I can't even pretend I remember, but I like the flowers and the colors.

I'm 90% sure these have June Bug in their name.  I like them, but I keep seeing giraffe print instead of cut-out flowers on the wedge, so then I like them less.  Not that I have anything against giraffes, I'm just not a huge fan of animal print.

I'm blaming my lack of memory on too much time in the office.  We didn't get home until after 10 last night and left again by 7:20 this morning.  Who knows what time we'll be done tonight.  I'm less achy today but my throat is still sore and I've developed a lovely seal cough.  Maye I can sneak in a nap somehow?  Wish me luck!

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014 (technically this one was from June 6 but it was back when I didn't sleep and often posted after midgnight). 2014. 2015.

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