Thursday, June 16, 2016


I've never really thought much about the dog breed Corgi.  I know that queen is fond of them, and I've seen pictures and thought they were cute, but not much beyond that.  A couple of weeks ago when the Pinterest Friend and I had our coffee date the subject of Corgis came up.  Specifically Corgi butts.  Yes, I just typed that.  Corgi butts.  It's a random story, but it was making us giggle and we were joking that we would randomly type the phrase "Corgi butt!" on each other's Facebook pages when we were thinking of the other.  Tonight I posted this on her wall:

I have to admit it's pretty adorable.  The crazy thing is that when I typed in Corgi and the letter b (didn't even add any other letters) it immediately popped up as an apparently popular search.  And there are LOTS of pictures of Corgi butts in the world.  Who knew?  At any rate, it gave me a direction for tonight's post.  Don't worry, we've moved on to the whole dog for the shoe portion.
Oh, Zazzle, you never disappoint.

These are weird.  And possibly scary. the bright colors.  Although it kind of looks like a Corgi had a baby with a bunny.  A Burgi?  A Cornny?

Sleeping puppies are always cute.

More bright colors.  Zazzle, of course.

Corgi friends!  Maybe the PF and I need these.  It could be our version of BFF necklaces...

Oh...puppy, you are stinkin' adorable.  Except that you're probably chewing on this shoe, which is very very naughty.

OK, back to work.  I don't think we're going to make it 4 nights in a row of getting home before dark.  Oh well.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014.

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