Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Electric Kites

Today, apparently, is National Electricity Day.  Why?  It's supposedly the anniversary of Benjamin Franklin's experiment with the lightning and the kite.  I'm not even sure how to celebrate it except to be thankful that when I flip a switch the lights come on, the heat or ac works, etc.  I'm a fan of the electricity!  So here are some shoes to celebrate:

How cool are these?  They'd be awesome to wear somewhere really dark.

Today is also Fly a Kite Day, which (sort of but not really) explains why there are 2 days to celebrate kites.  I don't know, y'all.  I don't know much of anything these days.  My brain is like pudding.  Or soup.  Or soupy pudding.  Here are some shoes:

I like both of these a lot.  If only they weren't flip flops so you could actually see the cuteness once you put them on.  Sadness.

Because of today's post I now have a mashup of the following in my head:

It's weird, but it kind of works.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014.

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