Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Happy Birthday, Sister-in-Law!

Today is the hubby's seester's birthday!  I can safely say she is my favorite sister-in-law since she is my only one.  But she's also pretty awesome, so I'm lucky in that department.  Unfortunately I realized today that I am a terrible person who doesn't know what kind of shoes her SiL likes.  Yep, it's true.  I lost major family points today and will now have to do a generic sort of post.  Sigh.  Here goes:

OK, so it's specific to a sister-in-law's birthday, but not in that I know what color she likes or what kinds of shoes she prefers.  But I still think it's cute.

These are interesting.  I guess if your SiL REALLY loves fleep flops then these would be the perfect gift. 

Aaaaand 2 sister birthday cards.  Gaaaah, I'm having guilt over this whole SiL birthday thing!  I hope she had a good day despite me sucking and her not feeling well when we talked to her earlier. It's rude of her body to not feel well on her birthday.  I now have a year to complete the mission of finding out what kinds/colors of shoes my sister-in-law likes.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015.

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