Thursday, June 23, 2016

Pink Flamingos

I'm feeling a little down today, a little disconnected.  It's my own fault...we're working such crazy hours that all I want to do is fall into bed when we get home, and if we're not working on the weekends I don't want to leave the house for much more than errands.  So I'm a pretty crappy friend of late, and I feel like because of this most of the friends I have here (which is sadly very few) have kind of written me off.  Whether they actually have or whether I'm just having a moment of self-pity I'm not entirely sure right now, but it was a rough day in terms of emotions.  You know it's bad when you almost start crying at the office because of the song that pops up on ITunes.  Thankfully the random holidays calendar gave me a reason to smile tonight:  Pink Flamingo Day.  Or, as we call them in my family, Pink Mingo Birds.  I can't remember which niece it was who used to call them that...Double A maybe?  There's a running joke with my dad and pink flamingos, so I will dedicate this post to him.

I kind of love pink flamingo shoes.  I don't actually want to own or wear any of them, but they are bright and hilarious and fun, and they make me smile.  Which I totally needed tonight, so thanks, Pink Mingo Bird Shoes!

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015.

1 comment:

  1. I kind of like the yellow ones. It was DJ. ME
