Friday, June 24, 2016


Oh man, it was Take Your Dog to Work Day and we missed it!  Poor Chalupa and Tallulah had to stay home.  Next year maybe I'll stay home and sleep all day and send them to work with the hubby!  Today is also World UFO Day, so clearly we need to look at some UFO shoes. UFO shoes are kind of cute.  The last two pairs could also be tops if you didn't want your baby wearing alien vessels on his or her feet...

I'm scared.  These are hideous. And also hilarious.  But mostly hideous because even the shoes without the UFO stuff are ugly.

Well you know I love the color.  Yes, I know, not shoes, but still fun!

Oh my goodness, there has to be some kind of crazy, kitschy party where these shoes could be worn.  With a skirt or dress that also has UFOs on it?  These are hilariously ridiculous.

I saw zero UFOs today (except on shoes).  How about you?

Today, despite the lack of UFO sightings, was much better than yesterday.  Part of my problem is that I'm not taking care of myself physically, which leads to mental and spiritual fatigue as well.  I'm not working out, not eating right, drinking too much soda, sitting at my desk too much, etc.  I sleep like the dead, but never feel rested, so then I get grumpy and moody.  Today I decided that I need to make some changes.  Well, I've known this forever, but haven't been able to muster up any kind of willpower to make the changes.  Today I decided that every time I went to the bathroom (which is not in our office, but in a different part of the building) I would then walk all the way around the building.  Kind of pathetic I know, but it gets me up and moving, which helps both mentally and physically.  And since the one thing I generally do fairly well is hydration, I go to the restroom on a fairly regular basis.  So it gets me away from my desk and gives me a little mental break.  According to my phone it's about 500 steps around the building, so 20 trips to the bathroom and I'll hit my 10,000 steps a day!

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014 (this says June 25, but it was one of those just-past-midnight posts). 2015.

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