Monday, June 13, 2016


I had really good intentions to post this weekend, but life had other plans.  Sunday's plans involved seeing a friend from seminary who I hadn't seen for a couple of years so thahappy t was awesome.  Sadly she is here because her mom is having health issues, so while I was very to see her, I'm not happy as to why she was available to visit.  Also, what is up with the last 2 Sundays involving visits with friends whose moms (in law) are so sick?  Again, prayers and good thoughts are appreciated.  At any rate, I was very happy to see my friend.  And then I went to the office.  To be fair, I dropped the hubby at the office at 8 am, came home to get ready, drove to Turlock to hang out, then drove back to the office, where I worked for 4 hours, so while I did work on Sunday, the hubby worked for 13 hours.  Because he is crazy.  But then I was too tired to post when we got home.

I was also too tired to post on Saturday after 11 hours at the office, but this time it was my own fault.  Why you ask?  Well, thank you for asking, I will tell you:  The business has developed a national podcast network.  We currently have 19 shows with almost 100 episodes published.  It's really cool.  The hubby does the MMA and Fantasy Football podcasts and he asked me to do a Book Review and Bible Study podcast.  So Saturday I did my first episodes of each and learned how to edit them.  It took me 8 hours to produce 1 1/2 hours of podcasts.  I'm really hoping I get better at editing so it doesn't take so dang long.  It was actually fun to do, as well as being slightly terrifying.  It's more terrifying now as they went live today so now people can listen to them.  I half want lots of people to listen and half want no one to listen.

At any rate, since both podcasts involve books, I clearly need shoes.  I've done book shoes before, and these shoes specifically:

These are by Charlotte Olympia, and I still think they are really cool.  But it turns out they come in multiple colors! 


Clearly I need as many colors as possible so I can wear them while I podcast about books!  AND there also...

Purses!  Book shoes and book clutches.  I'm in love.  I wonder if the hubby would let me buy these out of the office budget?

So, if you want to listen to either of the podcasts you can use the following links: Book Review, or  Bible Study.  Or, you can go here and check out all of our podcasts!

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014.

PS -  if you read this whole post thinking, "what the heck is a podcast?!"  I shall attempt to explain:  Podcasts are like radio shows.  In fact, many radio shows are also podcasts, like ESPN's Mike & Mike or NPR's Wait Wait Don't Tell Me.  Unlike radio shows, though, which air at a specific time, podcasts can be downloaded on a variety of devices and you can listen to them whenever you want and however many times you want.  I hope that helps.  The end.

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