Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Red Spots

You want to know something amazing?  The hubby and I have been home before dark 2 nights in a row!  Which is nice as I've been fighting sinus crud for awhile.  It was so bad the other night that I was awake at 3am and the pain gave me the dry heaves.  And as my mom (hi, mom!) will tell you, every time I throw up I break blood vessels in my face.  Which means I've been sporting lovely red spots for the last couple of days.  They always break under my eyes (and sometimes IN my eyes), but this time I have red spots all along my jaw line, too.  Thank goodness for makeup.  All of this leads me to tonight's post:  Red polka dots!

It turns out that finding shoes with red polka dots is harder than you might think.  Most of what comes up is red shoes with white polka dots.  Which are adorable, but not what I was looking for tonight.  But I found a few examples.  I love the baby shoes, of course, and this last one with its sassy bow.  The rest of them are OK. 

And now to bed.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014.

1 comment:

  1. Silly girl, I like all of them except the last pair. Sorry about the facial polka dots, no fun at all. ME
