Monday, July 11, 2016


Today is National Blueberry Muffin Day.  Which is convenient, since yesterday was Pick Blueberries Day, and you have to do something with all those blueberries you picked!  I love blueberries.  I eat them in my oatmeal in the morning and they are yummy in my tummy.  Maybe I should get some blueberry shoes to wear while eating my blueberry infused oatmeal?

Not these, obviously.  But for the PB when (s)he is able to eat blueberries.

OK, these are adorable and I actually kind of want a pair.

Apparently the PB could have more than one pair of blueberry shoes!

So pretty!  [insert usual snark about flip flops here]

Ohhhhh...Zazzle, you slay me.  I realize this is blueberry pie and today is blueberry muffin day, but these still made me laugh.  They're for Pi Day, of course!

You know it doesn't hurt any of these shoes that blueberries are blue.  And I love blue even more than I love blueberries.  Which is a lot.

Dang, now I want a blueberry muffin.  Or some pie.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014.

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