Saturday, July 9, 2016


I have no idea where today went, but it whooshed by at a ridiculous speed.  So now it's late and I'm going to do a quick post before I go to bed.  I recently finished a blankie, shoes, and a hat for a friend of ours who is having a baby in October:

Pedro, as always, was my very helpful model for the hat.  I love this yarn, it's really soft and nice.  The fact that it's several shades of blue doesn't hurt, either.  Since I did little girl shoes last night, I thought I'd do little boy shoes tonight.  Plus, I made some little boy shoes, so there is a double tie-in.

For some reason I had trouble finding shoes I liked tonight.  I really like all of these (especially the first 2), but I was hoping for a little more variety.   Although I do have to say that the caterpillar (at least I think it's a caterpillar?) croc totally cracks me up.  Or maybe it crocks me up.  Ha!  Yes, fine, I'm going to bed.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015.

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