Monday, August 8, 2016

Dogs and Cats

Today is Assistance Dog Day, International Cat Day, and Happy Odie Day, so today's shoe choices, at least to me, are obvious:

I just realized that the flip flops don't actually have Odie pictured.  Rude.  I always liked Garfield and Odie.  Poor Odie always gets picked on by Garfield, but he's such a sweet, dumb dog that I had to like him.  Which is kind of funny as one of the things I always disliked about dogs growing up was that they licked and Odie is a slobber machine.  Oh well.

In other news, now I have puppies and I actually like them.  I realize this is not news to those of you reading right now.

In other other news, once upon a time we had a cat.  The cat hated me.  The end.

In other other other news, it's Monday and I'm tired, and a little bit grumpy for reasons that may or may not be reasonable. I haven't decided yet.

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