Saturday, August 6, 2016

Toes and Dragonflies

We had some friends call this morning saying they were going to be in our area and did we have time to get together?  We haven't seen them in several months, so it was nice to hang out.  They have a 2 1/2 year old foster son who is adorable and full of energy.  He liked playing with the dogs and watching the dragons.  So, counting today that's 3 weekends in a month that I've actually been social.  Pretty sure that's some kind of a record for me of late.  At any rate, it was nice to see them and hang out for a few hours.  Plus, they're the first people to come visit our new house since we moved in.

In other news, today is Wiggle Your Toes Day.  Since sandals tend to show off toes I decided to do that, and then ended up looking for dragonfly sandals.  

Blue, dragonfly, diamonds are my birthstone, damn thing between the toes.  3 out of 4 isn't bad, I guess?
This is really cute.  You know my beef with it.

How cute are these?  I should have had these for the wedding!

I see variations on this type of jewelry all the time when I'm searching, and there were a whole bunch of dragonfly examples tonight.  Would this be more or less annoying than the flip flop strap between the toes?  Also, are they adjustable, because it would be really uncomfortable if the top part wasn't long enough and kept pulling up on the toe.


Also cute.

I love the colors on these.

Regardless of what you're wearing on your feet go wiggle your toes in celebration of the day!

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