Monday, August 15, 2016


Hey, guess what?!

Have you guessed yet?

How about now?

C'mom...are you even trying?

OK, fine, I'll tell you after the jump.
This is my 1,000th post!  Isn't that crazy?  I've been writing this thing since December 30, 2012 and have now reached 1,000 posts.

About shoes.

That's A LOT of shoes.

Other stuff as well, but who knew I could blather on so long about footwear?  Thank you for sticking with me, even through the depressing/grumpy/snarky times!

To celebrate this milestone, I'm going to go with 2 of my favorites: Rainbows and Sparkles.  Seems festive, right?

I'll take a pair of each, please.  And a little, multicolored, sparkly clutch that will go with most all of them.

I have no idea if I'll make it to 2,000, or if I should really even try.  How much more can I write/you read about shoes?  But in the meantime, as Gabby the Little Blue Puppet would say, "HAPPY DANCE!"

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