Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Laughter is Six!

Once upon a time there was a woman with a blog.  She typed and she blah blahed until she reached 1,000 posts.  And then she never posted again.  The end.

At least that's what it's felt like to me.  Maybe not to you as you may neither care nor pay that much attention, but I keep thinking I need to post and then get too busy or too tired or too whatever and don't do it.

But today is Laughter's 6th birthday, which seems the perfect reason for post 1,001! So here 6 pairs of shoes named after her:

I wish this didn't have the giant button on it, but it's cute otherwise.

This is sort of an odd shape but I bet it's cute on.

Love the color, hate the heel.

Um.  No.  Laughter deserves better than this ugly shoe.

Oooh, sparkly t-straps.  Much better!

This is so close, but not quite there for me.

Unlike Miss Laughter, who is practically perfect in every way:  She's funny, smart, sassy, adventurous, outgoing, and awesome.  And no, I'm not biased.  I can't believe you would say such a thing. 

1 comment:

  1. She's actually adorable,she told me so this afternoon. ME
