Friday, August 5, 2016


You know what I learned at work today?  The Monkees have a new album, their first in 20 years.  The Music Podcast on-air hosts reviewed it and said it was really good.  It made me say huh.  And it also made me sing "Here we come...walking down the street...we get the funniest looks from...everyone we meet..." all afternoon.  There aren't a lot of Monkees shoes like there are Beatles shoes, but here are a few:

So there is your random news of the day.  It's sad that Davy Jones is no longer with us to be a part of the album, but the did like the Beatles did and used some prerecorded tracks so he's on at least part of it.

Hey, guess what?  After the nasty migraine/dry heaving situation last night the hubby let me sleep in this morning!  He went to the office without me, and I didn't go in until 2:00!  I can't remember the last time I was home alone.  It was delightful.

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