Thursday, August 11, 2016


Today was kind of a weird day.  Not bad, just weird.  The hubby's tummy was yucky all day and I have a sinus infection.  I thought I was going to be away from the office for an hour and then our meeting ran long and I was gone for 5 hours, which meant I had to stay late to catch up on at least part of my to-do list.  I also had weird dreams this morning that I only vaguely remember.  So, weird.

It's also the BFF's birthday, which isn't weird at all.  She's awesome and I miss her.  She, her hubby, and the nephew are on their way to Michigan right now to visit her in-laws.  That's a long, hot drive with a 6 1/2 year old, so wish them luck.

Today is also National Raspberry Tart Day and National Raspberry Bombe Day.  Which isn't weird, per se.  Or at least no more so than any other random holiday.  The likes raspberries and they are kind of in the purple family, so it kind of works.  Here are some raspberry shoes to celebrate this day, whatever adjective you apply to it.

To conclude:  today was weird, but I love the BFF and hope she had a lovely birthday.  I also like raspberries very much.  Raspberry shoes are kind of cool, kind of weird, so they fit with the theme.  I think it's time for bed.  Stupid sinus infection.

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