Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Today is National Lazy Day!  This day should always be on a weekend rather than a fixed date, but oh well, no one asked me.  Last year I wrote that lazy days, for me, involve comfy pants and fuzzy socks or slippers, but living in California August 10 is never cold enough.  This week is cooler, thankfully, as it has only been in the 90s instead of triple digits, so that's nice.  But I talked to Mom (hi, Mom!) today and she said it was only 60 at home.  I'm totally jealous.  In honor of lazy days that are also cold, tonight's theme is crocheted slippers:

 Blues and stripes and flowers!  I like the rolled cuffs, too.

I've actually made an afghan with the yarn the flowers are made from.  I wish the slippers were a more fun color, but I like the flowers.

Two-tone blue.  What's not to love?

This looks like Lion's Brand yarn, which is appropriate as today is also World Lion Day.

More blue.  More flowers.  Yay!

Bright, rainbow stripeys!

I hope you had a chance to be lazy today regardless of the temperature where you are.

Here's the Lazy Song by Bruno Mars to help get you in the mindset.

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