Saturday, October 29, 2016

A Spot of Sunshine

First, thank you all for the prayers and good thoughts, they are greatly appreciated.  I kind of wish I hadn't said anything, though.  Not because I didn't want or need those prayers, because I most certainly did, but because my own crap took away from a post about a man who was an important part of my childhood, and I feel bad for that.

Things today feel a little better.  Not perfect, not fixed, but not as desperate as yesterday, so the prayers definitely helped.  I still need a bit of brightness in my life, though, so rather than yet another Halloween post, I'm going with bright, sunshiney yellow shoes tonight:

So bright and cheerful!  I can never seem to find the right shade of yellow shoes when I go shopping for them.  Actually, I have found a couple of pairs but they were insanely uncomfortable when I tried them on which is just rude.  Oh well.  Yellow is bright and happy and I need that today, even if it is only in the context of virtual shoes on a silly blog.

1 comment:

  1. Love all the lovely bright yellow just overly fond of most of the styles. ME
