Sunday, October 30, 2016


You're all very smart, so you've probably noticed that this most recent round of posts has been an acrostic:

A for Autumn
B for Babies
C for Chalupa
D for Duckies
E for Emanuel
F for Foxes
G for Ghosts
H for Hedgehogs
I for Introvert
J for Jello
K for Kicks
L for Liqueur
M for Meckler
N for Nice
O forOwls
P for Pumpkins
Q for Quirky
R for Reptiles
S for Skeletons
T for Tired
U for Underwear
V for Vampires
W for Werewolves
X for Xylophones
Y for Yellow

I hadn't been feeling very inspired so I needed some kind of direction, and this helped.  It's kind of silly, I know, but hey, it got me posting, and it gave me some direction to post something (mostly) other than depressing icky crap.

To finish off the acrostic, today's post will be Z for Zazzle Halloween shoes:

I've been posting a lot of Halloween this month, so I'm not entirely sure what I'll post tomorrow when it's actually Halloween, but I'll come up with something.  Probably.

1 comment:

  1. Fun shoes, too bad they're so expensive. ME
