Friday, October 7, 2016


My Chalupa puppy has been extra snuggly lately.  I'm not sure if I should be worried or not.  He's not usually much of a snuggler, but he's been wanting extra attention.  I hope he's feeling OK.  Both puppies are at the office with me today, which is always nice.  They are all comfy-cozy in their bed behind my desk.  I'd kind of like to be comfy-cozy in my bed right now, too.  I have a sinus infection (color everyone shocked, I know) and now it's moving into my chest and I just want to sleep. Oh well.  I'll sleep eventually.  In the meantime while I'm waiting for the multiple things that are loading/finishing/whatever on my never-ending list of projects, I will share puppy shoes in honor of my Chaloopy puppy.

They're probably supposed to be napping, but I think they look all cute and happy and smug.

These are hilarious and make me smile.

Heehee.  The dog is so long it stretches across 2 shoes!  Yes, I'm easily amused.

Also adorable.

Scotty dogs!  Wearing Polka Dot Sweaters!  I kind of want these for me.  I also think they might be Mary Engelbreit, which is even cooler.

OK, enough puppy shoes.  I've been popping in a typing whenever I'm at a point where I'm waiting on those multiple things to finish, but now it's to take posting out of the multitasking rotation.  Maybe I'll replace it with puppy snuggles...

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