Thursday, October 6, 2016

Babies Babies Babies

As I was contemplating last night's post and the funk therein, I realized another part of the general feeling of blah I've been having is babies. Not babies themselves, because it's not their fault I feel blah, just the idea of babies in general.  Of my friends on Facebook, that I can think of off the top of my head, I have:
  • 1 friend who had a baby 2 months ago
  • 2 friends who had babies 1 month ago
  • 1 friend who had a baby 2 weeks
  • 2 friends who are due in October
  • 1 friend who is due in November
  • 1 friend who is due in December 
  • 1 friend who is due in January
  • 1 friend who is due in February
  • 1 friend who is due in May
Don't get me wrong, I am so very thrilled for all of these women and their babies and families.  Babies are awesome and I love them. Which is part of the problem.  That are a LOT of pictures of newborns and baby bumps and general baby cuteness/happiness that I am not a part of.  It adds to the funk is all I'm saying.

So in honor of that funk, and in order to both soothe and torture myself, today's post is baby shoes.

I love these.  So simple and sweet.

Look at the teeny tiny eyes on the strap!  At least I think they're eyes.  I've decided they're eyes regardless.

Sigh...I love dragonflies.

Nerdy baby shoes!  (sorry, Double A and Bean, I know you aren't a fan of DC...I'll find some Marvel shoes next time)

Back to simple and sweet.

Now.  Who has a baby they will let me snuggle for the next week-5 years?

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