Sunday, October 9, 2016

Happy Birthday, Dad!

As you probably gathered from the title of this post, today is my dad's birthday!  I wish I could have been home to help him celebrate, but at least I got to talk to him on the phone both today and yesterday, so that helps.  Look at how cute we all were once upon a time:

(the tiny one is me).  I'm assuming Mom was taking the picture as she isn't in it?

Anyway, as I often do, I looked up shoes by name, although this time I went with Dad's middle name just to see what came up.  His middle name is Emanuel, and unfortunately only girly shoes showed up in that search.  Sorry, pop.
But stripes!  So yay!

And polka dots!  More yay!

Kind of plain, but cute, and good for work.


I'd like to see these on, but I think they might be cute.  The color is fun at least, and ankle straps have potential.

I'm intrigued by this one.  It might cute?  It might be over the top?  It might have a spider web on it?  It's interesting.

Emanuel means "God with us" (think Advent), but I decided not to search for God shoes today. At any rate, Happy Birthday, pop!  Sorry I couldn't find any manly shoes named after you.

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