Monday, October 10, 2016


The Pinterest Friend has announced it on Facebook and given me permission to mention it here, so today's post is in honor of her and her little Pumpkin Seed, coming in May of 2017!  Yep, the PF is going to have a baby!  Which means that every time I see anything baby related with owls or foxes on it I have to stop myself from buying it.  It doesn't mean I can't share them here, though, so today we're going to with fox baby shoes.

They're all just so stinking adorable!  I love how dapper the foxes in the 4th and 6th pictures are.  Pumpkin Seed does not need 6 pairs of fox shoes (probably...I would never judge if PS really DID need 6 pairs of fox shoes), so I'll just window shop (blog shop?) for now.  Congrats, PF!  Now please move back to California so I might spoil that baby in person. :-)

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