Friday, October 14, 2016


Apparently today is National Dessert Day?  I figure that's every day, but it's nice to know when the designated holiday is.  You know I'm all about the chocolate desserts, but I'm kind of bored with chocolate shoes right now, and for some reason today I was thinking about Jello.  Must be Lutheran thing.  At any rate, it got me to go look for Jello shoes, and there aren't a lot out there, which is bad for a post, but good for the general state of the world.

This is an actual pair of shoes made out of Jello.  There was also a picture of a woman who had supposedly just fallen over from attempting to walk in these.  Jello shoes are weird enough, but WHY would someone attempt to walk in them?

This makes more sense in terms of Jello shoes.

Hey, look!  There's a Jello Shoe Company!  I'd like that shoe better if it were all yellow, I think.  Or maybe if it had a different heel.  I went to the website but didn't spend a lot of time poking around on it.

Not Jello, but the sole kind of looks like Jello, and I like how bright and happy they are.  Except that the sole would get dirty and then I would be sad.

Actual shoe-shaped Jello molds.  I'm honestly not sure what to say about this it kind of creeps me out and I have no idea why.

Cute!  Could be used for Jello or chocolate, and doesn't creep me out, so it seems a good place to end.

Please honor this (totally made up, probably) national holiday and go eat some dessert!

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