Thursday, October 13, 2016


I saw this shirt on Facebook recently, and I think I need it:

I definitely haven't been getting enough introvert time lately, so I thought I'd do a post about it and pretend.

Introverting definitely needs some snuggly wuggly slippers, in my opinion.  And yes, I just made introvert into a verb.

Bunny slippers are a classic for a reason.  I could wear these for more whimsical introvert times.

A good introvert activity is to hang out and watch movies, so themed slippers seem appropriate.  The Chewie slippers crack me up. I'm not sure I want to put my foot in Darth Vader's mouth, though.

Reading Harry Potter sounds like the perfect introvert activity.  I would need these slippers.

 Oooh, I definitely need these slippers!  And to listen to some Beatles while introverting and reading Harry Potter.

You know I love dragonflies, and I love the colors of these, but I want them to be more snuggly wuggly.  Maybe they are and they just don't look like it from the picture?  Not sure.  What I am sure of is that I need some slippers and a book and some Beatles and some puppy snuggles and a whole day of not talking to another person one day soon.  I should figure out how to accomplish that.

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