Tuesday, October 18, 2016


I'm posting on my phone tonight because my laptop is at the office because I went to the bank.  That sentence makes no sense, right? So, I went to the bank today to make a deposit. When I was done I got in the car and backed out of my parking space. So far so good, until I tried to shift into drive. I couldn't do it. I shifted into park and then couldn't shift at all. I tried turning the car off, and then it wouldn't start. So I  was stuck, blocking traffic in the bank parking lot. I called the hubby, and then had to start telling annoyed people I couldn't move my car out of the way. While I was waiting for the hubby, 2 very nice bank employees came out to help me push the car to a parking space, but of course we couldn't because it wouldn't shit into neutral. They both started googling the problem, and by the time the hubby got there they had found what to do and, along with the hubby, spent about 10-15 minutes getting it to actually work and moving the car while I called roadside assistance. The car got towed to the shop and the hubby and I took Uber home. My quick trip to the bank ended up taking around 4 hours and a lot of frustration. But those 2 guys were were incredibly nice and helpful, so this post is for them.

I dont really know much about men's shoes, but I like all of these, and they would all work with suits in a professional setting. Those men will most likely never see this post, but I'll send my thanks out into the universe anyway.

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