Wednesday, October 19, 2016


I'm assuming you knew (or guessed) that this post was coming.  I already did fox and hedgehog shoes for the Pinterest Friend's Pumpkin Seed (the PF's PS?), so of course I have to do owls as well.

These 2 are very similar, and I think I've posted them both before, but they are just so colorful and happy that I had to post them again.

I'm wondering if these were specifically cut out of fabric that has a variety of owls, and if so, what do the rest of the adorable owls look like?

I love these colors.

I think I've also posted these before, but I just don't care! Because cuteness.

I had to give you both pictures so you could see the different angles, AND that they are corduroy! I love corduroy.

I also love owls, and the PF and her PS.  It's a love fest.

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