Wednesday, November 2, 2016

A Rose By Any Other Name

2 of the Facebook friends I mentioned in my Facebook Babypalooza post awhile back had their babies last week.  If I'm remembering correctly they were born one on the 24th and the other on the 25th, but even cooler, they are both girls with the middle name of Rose.  Must have been the week for it!  It seemed appropriate to go look for some shoes with roses on them:

I've mentioned before, I think, that this kind of fabric reminds me of dresses from the 90s.  There's nothing wrong with that, I had outfits out of similar material.  I'm just not sure how I feel about it on shoes.  I both like and dislike these.

Maybe I'm weird, but I kind of love this one.  No idea what I would wear it for, and in fact, I probably wouldn't wear it, but I still like it. 

Yikes.  Too much.

Also love this one, it reminds me of tie-dye.

Then I saw these and realized the babies Rose needed baby shoes with roses on them!

So dainty and sweet!

These might be my favorite.

I like these too, but do they remind anyone else of a china pattern?

On a different subject, friends on Facebook have started doing the 30 days of Thanksgiving thing again, and I thought that might be an idea for some of the posts in November since I'm done with my acrostic technique.

For yesterday I would definitely have to say I am thankful for the saints and the influence they have had on my life.

For today, obviously I'm thankful for babies and healthy deliveries.

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