Thursday, November 3, 2016


Today was another rough one.  Yesterday was so good, and so hope-filled, and today was just...not.  Can someone please stop this roller coaster? Because I would very much like to get off.  Sigh.  I've been trying to think of what I am thankful for today, and of course there are many things, but on days like today it can be hard to push past all the negative to focus on the good things.  I have been noticing the leaves, though.  We don't get terribly defined seasons here, but some of the leaves change and today I was noticing a lot of really pretty trees on my drive to work.  So I'm grateful that nature smacks me in the face with beauty sometimes, because I definitely need it.  Here are some shoes.

These are interesting.  I like them.

These are crazy, but make me want to wear them while kicking leaves.

Oh Zazzle, you have shoes for everything.

These are also interesting.  I can't decide if I like them or not.  I do, sort of, but then I look again and I don't.  I have no idea.

These are my favorite.  I would like to wear these right now, please.

I keep telling myself tomorrow is a new day.  It has become my mantra.

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