Monday, November 21, 2016

Double A

Today I am thankful simply that I am no longer throwing up.  Laughter got sick Friday night, and then the entire family, except for Flower, got sick last night through this morning.  Yep.  Mom, Dad, Seester, Brother-in-law, Brother, Double A, Bean, and me.  Not a single one of us went to school or work today.  It was a rough one.  We're all slowly on the mend.  I've managed to keep down 2 pieces of toast today and I'm trying to stay hydrated.  Since today's thankfulness is about vomit, I really don't want to see what shoes would come up, so I'm going with the post I was going to do yesterday before the gunk attacked.

Yesterday Laughter called and wanted to talk to Double A.  They then spent roughly an hour and a half on the phone, first singing approximately 4 million verses of Old MacDonald, and then Laughter read to Double A.  Actually, she read the words she knew, and spelled the rest so Double A could tell her what they were.  It was adorable.  And Double A was so incredibly patient and sweet to her cousin.  She's always been a kind and sweet child, and now she's growing into a kind and sweet young woman.  So tonight's shoes are in honor of her.  I've already done shoes from her first name, so tonight's are from her middle name:

You can probably tell that these are all from the same designer as they are all fairly similar in style.

I know 2 things today:  NOT throwing up is lovely, and I have the best nieces on the planet.

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