Saturday, November 19, 2016

Happy Birthday, Flower!

I got sidetracked yesterday and didn't post.  It's because I'm in Montana and there were nieces to play with and a seester to hang out with, and I still had to get some work done, and in the midst of all of that I forgot to post.  Yesterday was Flower's 11th birthday, so she was going to be what I was grateful for.  Of course, I'm thankful for her everyday, and today we had her family party (last night she had a couple of friends over after school and Holy Giggling, Batman!), so I figured she can still be my grateful inspiration for tonight.  Since I was last home her favorite color has switched from purple to blue (be still my heart), so tonight's post is 11 pairs of blue flowered shoes in honor of Flower:

Flower has the best giggle.  Sometimes it will just burst out of her and it makes me smile every time.  I'm an awfully lucky auntie to get to have her for a niece.

Today was awesome because I got to see Mom, Dad, the brother, Double A, The Bean, and the auntie.  I've spent the last 2 nights at the seester's, so now Mom and Dad brought me to their house after the party.  It was also just a little bit of a rough day because when the whole family is together I realize more tangibly just how much I miss out on by not living closer.  So I get homesick even though I'm home.  And I miss the hubby.  I have issues.

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