Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Today I am thankful for my mama.  Actually, I am thankful for her every day because she is amazing and loving and supportive and I don't know where I'd be without her and my dad and their awesome awesomeness.  Today I am thankful because this morning she sent a text asking, "flannel sheets or regular?"  I'm going home soon and she was asking what kind of sheets I want to sleep on while I'm there.  See?  Awesome.  I said flannel because I love them and it's actually cold enough in MT to be able to sleep in them, unlike here where I'm lucky if I keep the sheet on the whole night.  In honor of my mom and her mad hostessing sheet options, today's shoes are flannel.  Oh, actually they're plaid flannel because my further options were blue plaid or gray plaid with moose.  I chose gray with moose.  Please continue reading after you've picked yourself up off the floor because I didn't choose blue.

This is practical and probably comfy.  I like them.

This is hilarious.  I LOVE the colors, but don't think I'd actually wear this particular pair of shoes.

I do love me a plaid pump.  Actually, I like a flannel pump, too.  I have a pair in gray flannel.  No moose, though. Or plaid.  So, really nothing like my soon-to-be-slept-on sheets.

Adorable.  I kind of want to pair it with a giant, red plaid hunting coat and one of those flapped hats...

Hmmmm...Smaller heel, so more practical for many situations, but I'm not so sure about the colors.

Practical, professional, pretty!

I can't wait to dive into those sheets.  It's been a rough go, and flannel sheets might just be the therapy I need.  Plus mom hugs.  And niece snuggles.  And sister time.